
22 Aug 2018

Dragon Con 2018- The best time of the year

By | August 22, 2018|Tags: , , |

85,000 fans of sci-fi and fantasy will descend upon the very welcoming Atlanta, GA for four days (six for some) of cos-play, watching guests, attending informative and fun panels. I will be attending this year's convention officially as an Attending Professional. Below is a list of my schedule for this year's dragon Con. The panel [...]

13 Sep 2017

It has been a great number of weeks and then Irma Hit

By | September 13, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

A quick update: A busy number of weeks and then Hurricane Irma hits us. Power and internet throughout the storm. Then a loss of Internet on Monday. Working at coffee shops and people who have internet. A trip to Utrecht in the Netherlands. They certainly do to things differently from us. The last couple of [...]